Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Oliver Stone And Joseph Gordon-Levitt Unite In Teaser For Snowden

Be forewarned; the teaser trailer for the newest Oliver Stone film, Snowden, is the very definition of teaser, with no footage from the movie being shown. But I can also forewarn you that the teaser, which you can watch below, is quite well crafted and very very chilling.

That whole "slow-downed song" trope in movie trailers is as common as the cold at this point, but I'd be lying if the slowed downed version of This Little Light of Mine didn't give me a few goosebumps, partly because its such an unexpected song. I'm intrigued by the cast (especially the presence of Nicolas Cage, whose overdue for a comeback) and hope some footage isn't too far off the in the future. Until then, this teaser will certainly do.