Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The First Trailer For The Good Dinosaur Is Here!!!

My excitement for Inside Out (which is only a little over two weeks away!) is enormous, but lest we forget, it's not the only PIXAR movie coming out this year! The long in development The Good Dinosaur finally makes its way to the big screen this Thanksgiving, and the first teaser trailer for the project has dropped! Check it out below!

Obviously, not a ton here (the troubled production for this one makes me think this may be all the finished animation they have currently), but this certainly does look like a promising concept, which the trailer depicts in a tantalizing manner. One thing I notice; the designs of the dinosaurs look over-stylized and exaggerated, while the backgrounds look astonishingly realistic. I'm interested to see if that stylistic choice has a deeper meaning within the context of the film. Answers to that question and others (namely, how much of the original cast is intact? I really wanted to hear Neil Patrick Harris and Judy Greer bounce off each other) will surely be revealed soon considering the movie comes out in five-and-a-half months.