Monday, June 1, 2015

Long In Development Little Mermaid Movie Loses Sofia Coppola As Director

It might seem peculiar, given Hollywoods current fascination with live-action adaptations of classic fairy tales (see: Cinderella, Alice In Wonderland, Malfeicent and the forthcoming Pan and The Jungle Book) that The Little Mermaid gotten a modern day take yet. However, trying to merge live-action actors with the underwater environments that much of the story takes place in would be a tricky proposition. Not an impossible one though, which is why a new film based on Hans Christian Andersons tale has been in development for a while.

The project received a major setback as director Sofia Coppola departed the movie. Universal is still gonna make the feature, and why not? This should be a slam-dunk financially, even if Ariel can't belt out Part Of Your World in this version. Hopefully another interesting director (maybe Kathryn Bigelow?) joins the film in the future. Also; Amy Adams, Isla Fisher or Judy Greer need to play Ariel.