First off, she's known as Caitlyn Jenner now. That's the name she's chosen for herself. She is no longer Bruce Jenner. Please get that simple fact right, because otherwise, your article is wrong from the get-go thanks to an inaccurate title.
What article am I talking about you wonder? Well, it's this editorial I've seen floating around Facebook entitled Bruce Jenner Is Not A Hero. I encourage you not to go to that link, solely so it doesn't receive any more attention, but in case you wanna venture into the origin of the numerous quotes in this piece, there it is for your use. But be warned; it is a piece of writing full of vile and self-righteousness, one whose entire existence feels faulty. I mean, did you have to make an occasion of joy solely about you? I mean, really? You couldn't let this momentous moment occur without imparting your pearls of "wisdom"?
Well, those thoughts exist, and lemme tell ya, they fill me with a sort of rage I feel very rarely in life. Just look at how author Emily Suzanne (I'm surmising the name solely by the link to her website) declares bluntly that "The emperor has no clothes and Bruce Jenner is not a woman." Ok, first off, who on Earth are you that you automatically get to decide another persons gender? Where did you earn that right? Not to mention your biblical evidence for this derives from seven words taken from the Bible out of context. Those words, by the by, are "Male and female he created them" (Genesis 1:27), a phrase so generic and devoid of context that I wonder why she even bothered to insert it into the editorial.
By the time the last paragraph arrives, Suzanne concludes by insisting on one "fact": "Bruce Jenner is no hero." To her, "A hero is someone who has done something brave or noble, who has sacrificed for others, Bruce Jenner has done none of those things." On the contrary I say, Caitlyn Jenner has done something brave and quite noble. He has embraced who he is. After years of pushing it away, he has decided to become the person he wants to be. That in itself is something considerably noble, and something many Americans do, or even just try to do, on a regular basis.
But now he's used his notable celebrity presence to raise awareness for the plight of members of the Transgender community across the world. No longer can people just ignore the bigoted social stigmas that have consumed the world for far too long; Caitlyn Jenner has made it impossible to miss the struggles numerous Transgender denizens endure. Raising awareness for a segment of the population that really hasn't ever had a voice in the media landscape is an incredibly brave and noble task to accomplish. By Emily Suzannes own definition, Caitlyn Jenner is a hero.
Let me conclude this piece by speaking to Emily Suzanne and those who share and support her work; I'm a Christian. And endorsing this sort of vile bigotry is not at all what Jesus Christ would want. After all, does it not say in Romans 15:7 "Therefore welcome one another as Christ as welcomed you, for the grace of God"? We should be spreading love and acceptance, spreading the joy of Caitlyn Jenner has done and what she could do for the Transgender community. I don't know much, but I can certainly say that berating a man for accepting who he is in a smug manner is not how God would want you spreading his glory. You could take a cue or two from Caitlyn Jenner, a woman whose helping to spread the ideas of tolerance across the world. Now that's the kind of person whose more than worthy of being dubbed a hero!