Well, just as I was talking about Robert Zemeckis and his fascination with motion-capture in the 21st century, here comes the new trailer for his next movie, The Walk, which arrives in October. I thought Sony might hold off on a new trailer until Pixels and Ricki And The Flash, but our most extensive look at the film yet, which you can look at below, has arrived much earlier.
Boy howdy do I hope those pop-out 3D effects aren't recurring in the film. In this kind of inspirational drama, that quick gag of rope dangling off the screen just feels out of place. Otherwise, this actually looks pretty decent. Joseph Gordon-Levitts French accent took me by surprise, but it's surprisingly non-distracting, and the visual look of the movie seems to be as top-notch as some of the best moments in the best movies from Robert Zemeckis.