Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Ghostbusters And Mythbusters Engage In Rap Battle (From The Interwebs)

Who ya gonna call...for great internet entertainment? ERB of course! The YouTube channel (whose name stands for Epic Rap Battles) has been providing rap battles placing two famous opponents for a while now, and I've been a fan of the work for over three years now. The channel, which is led by NicePeter and EpicLloyd, has just returned from a brief hiatus to deliver a new season of fun rap related mayhem, and the first one, letting the Ghostbusters and Mythbusters duke it out, is superb. Check it out below!!

Just when I think it can't get any better, the Stay Puft Marshmellow man pops by. Awesome stuff, really cool to see Mark Douglas from Barely Political pop by, and Peter and Lloyd remain impressive in their impersonations. What I love about this battle, and its brethren, is how well written they are. The raps heard on ERB work as both engaging lyrics and humorous lines, and this one is no exception. I can't wait to see what's next, as well as rewatching this one endlessly.