I'm sure you're expecting from that title to see some cynical fellow berating the original Paul Blart feature, but you know what? I liked that film, a lot actually. Blart was a likable enough protagonist, the movie had some solid laughs deriving from slapstick, overall, it made for an entertaining hour-and-a-half. When it debuted in January 2009, I was not the only one to have positive things to say about Blart, as his movie wound up shocking everyone and made $146 million at the domestic box office.
Despite all that cash made, no sequel was put into development. Instead, the actor responsible for the titular mall cop, Kevin James, embarked on two more family comedies that didn't do nearly as well as Paul Blart. Nearly six years after his first film debuted, the everyday action hero is back with a 2015 sequel, and you can watch the first trailer for it below.
Even to a fan of the first film, that trailer looks dire. The gags feel old hat, and the plot doesn't feel as fun as the last one (a mall being taken over on Black Friday is a genuinely cool premise). also, am I the only one who feels like this looks more like a direct-to-video sequel in terms of appearance? The sleek and shiny appearance of everything just calls to mind fellow DTV feature The Tooth Fairy 2 (which I've never seen, thank God) more than the original Paul Blart film.