I've made it no secret to say how much I enjoy Eric Church, and I'll keep up tradition and make it no secret in this review. The dude just oozes talent, especially in songs like Springsteen and Give Me Back My Hometown, and seeing him pop up looking like a badass biker on the Country Music Awards last night reaffirmed my admiration of the dude.
His newest single Talladega covers the topic of nostalgia that those two aforementioned songs, especially in Springsteen. This one hews closest to Springsteen in tone as well, with both the lyrics and vocals giving off a vibe of a man reminiscing about fond memories. The memories in question are the singer of the song thinking back to a glorious day of his teenage youth where he and his buddies spent a particularly memorable day together.
It may not relate to racing like this song does, but we all have days with our amigos that stand out in in our mind. The kind of universal message really resonates here, as Church manages to send home an effective blend of longing and appreciation in every word of the song. He actually wrote this tune with Luke Laird, and they lend a personal touch to the song and its message. The way they invoke imagery of the race to match the emotions felt by the songs subjects is incredibly well handled, as is the way they keep the lyrics from feeling repetitive.
Instrumentally, the song is like much of Church's output; distinctive. A guitar figures heavily into the song, with the tunes first 30 seconds simply being Church singing only being accompanied by that particular instrument, before a wider range of musical tools are brought in. Thankfully, the other instruments don't distract from the songs personal lyrics and even help reinforce the reminiscing tone at the songs end.
I've got no doubt in my mind that this will be another big hit for Church (after the surprisingly middling performance of the substance lacking but enjoyable single Cold One), but the extremely notable singer can also hold his head high knowing he's managed to also craft another spectacular song. Above all else, Church's ability to tap into and make great use of a songs true emotional potential is what really makes his songs like Talladega superb.