The first DC Comics feature after Batman V. Superman will be Suicide Squad, which will be released on August 5, 2016. The film involves a group of supervillains who are recruited by the government to go on dangerous missions. It's the project I'm most excited for out of DC's forthcoming movies (even if I wasn't crazy about the last film, Fury, from the director of Suicide Squad, David Ayer), and now it looks like the cast is taking shape.
There were some rumored cast members about a month back when Warner Bros. first announced the movie, Will Smith, Tom Hardy and Margot Robbie being the biggest name. Robbie it appears has joined the film as Harley Quinn, an extremely popular antagonist in the Batman mythos that hasn't been given a live-action film incarnation. I adored Robbie in The Wolf of Wall Street, and I've been hoping she'd take off ever since that movies success. If there was any superhero movie she could be in, I'd love it if she played Carol Danvers in Captain Marvel, but this is actually a great character that she could bring a lot of fun to.
Joining Quinn could be The Joker, the clown prince of crime himself. In the first live-action movie appearance of the character in the immortal Heath Ledger performance from The Dark Knight, the candidate that is in final negotiations to play the character is Jared Leto. I've only seen Leto in Dallas Buyers Club, and he was fantastic there, so I'm optimistic he could bring something new to the table. I'll be interested to see if he officially commits to the film, as well as seeing who else joins the cast. Maybe we could get Daniel Day-Lewis to play King Shark?