It's been a rough road for the Steve Jobs biopic written by Aaron Sorkin. David Fincher was supposed to direct it, make it a nice Social Network reunion, but he passed. Then, Danny Boyle came on as director, only for lead actor Leonardo DiCaprio to pass. Christian Bale, who had been floated around as a lead for the project when Fincher was directing, reattached himself to the project, and then left it. Michael Fassbender was in talks to play the lead of Steve Jobs, while Seth Rogen, Jessica Chastain and Scarlett Johnansson were in discussions for roles in the feature.
But now the movies distributor, Columbia Pictures, has kicked the movie to the curb. Luckily, Deadline reports that Universal is not just interested in the project, they've "....essentially [given] it a green light." That's good to hear for a project that has a tremendous amount of potential, especially with a potential cast like this one. It does make me wonder though how in the hell Columbia thinks a third Smurfs movie is more worthy of keeping on the studios slate than a Steve Jobs biopic from the writer of The Social Network. An utter mystery.