Thursday, November 6, 2014

New Into The Woods Trailer Shows Off Songs, Characters, Bizzare Johnny Depp

Hollywoods treatment of musicals in things like trailers has always been peculiar. Very rarely are the actual songs from the film depicted in the advertising materials, a weird predicament considering the epic musical number Let It Go became one of the most beloved pieces of Frozen. After the smash hits Les Miserables and the aforementioned Frozen, the two big musicals for this Christmas have reversed this trend, with Annie trumpeting its tunes in its trailer, while Into The Woods makes up for its musical free teaser with this theatrical trailer that boasts plenty of singing. Check it out below!

This looks....OK, I guess? I mean, it doesn't look bad, but the trailer is just kind of muddled. Hard to get a read on a clear plot from this particular two minutes and thirty seconds of footage, with the A-list cast getting more time to shine than the story. Considering how many great actors like Emily Blunt, Anna Kendrick and Meryl Streep are in this, that's a decent enough approach, though Johnny Depps big bad wolf character already seems like yet another Jack Sparrow knock off.