I rewatched the original Star Wars trilogy recently, expecting to find it underwhelming or dated. But weirdly, the movies have only gotten better with age. They're just so well written, fun and engaging, it just reinforced how lackluster the prequels were. Now, those movies aren't out-and-out bad like, say, Transformers: Age Of Extinction or God's Not Dead, but Attack Of The Clones come pretty damn close, and yes folks, Jar-Jar Binks is truly excruciating.
An 88-second teaser doesn't guarantee me that the entire film will be better than the prequels. But damn if it doesn't come close to that. Good Lord this is an excellent trailer, one that demonstrates how perfectly they've recreated the style and design of the original trilogy, while giving glimpses at things like new lightsabers and stormtroopers. But it's the moment at the end with the Millennium Falcon that's truly extraordinary, It got me grinning ear to ear and cheering, reminding me without a doubt that Star Wars is an extraordinary cinematic entity.
Oh God, how am I gonna wait 13 months for this?