Thursday, November 20, 2014

Zoolander 2 Is A-Go, With Penelope Cruz Joining Cast

But why male models? More like why a sequel, amirite? Bad puns aside, I'm a big fan of Zoolander, Ben Stillers odyssey into male modeling absurdity. It's an entertaining movie full of quotable lines, and a sequel to it has been in the works for ages now. After Anchorman 2 failed to recapture the laughs of the original, I kind hoped this long-in-the-works-comedy-sequel-from-Paramount would not come to fruition, but now it's on the way!

Official casting has surfaced placing Penelope Cruz in a major role in the film. Cruz is no stranger to comedy, having worked on the "uproarious" Grown Ups features (I feel awful even sarcastically praising those films). Like I said, the prospect of another Anchorman 2 disappointment leaves me more dubious than excited, but I've enjoyed many of Stillers directorial efforts, and if he winds up behind the camera on this one, maybe it could be an enjoyable endeavor.

Now where did those files go?