The whole reaction to PIXAR making sequels in recent years has pretty much boiled down to people on the internet announcing the company is "losing its soul" or "selling out". I've felt that's more than a bit hyperbolic; sure, Cars 2 was underwhelming, but the Toy Story and Monsters Inc. continuations ranged from great to astoundingly incredible. But this newest sequel puts my faith in the company to the test. PIXAR is embarking on a fourth Toy Story.
I'm.....really not sure why, but yep, this is happening. Disney brought forth the news during an earnings call, confirming a June 2017 date and that John Lasseter is directing. I'm glad Lasseter is directing, but I'm just not sure what the hell you can do here. The Toy Story trilogy is one of the finest accomplishments in all of cinema for the beautiful way it's story naturally unfolds over three movies. Seeing Andy grow up and pass on the toys should have been the end for this franchise..but nooopppe.
Look, I get that Disney is a company, they need money, and Toy Story is a safe bet for box office and toy sales. But why not just make more TV special or short films, which can spawn toys and other forms of revenue without adding another cinematic offering to the table? This just feels like a cashgrab with a capital C, something I thought PIXAR was above save for Cars 2. Maybe I'm turning into those hyperbolic people on the internet complaining about PIXAR now over this news, but maybe it's deserved if Lasseter churns out a wretched sequel that follows that powerful Toy Story 3 ending.