Monday, April 13, 2015

New Ant-Man Trailers Brings The Gags, The Ants And The Trains...Er, Pain

With Age of Ultron on the horizon (only 18 days to go!), Marvel is now turning it's attention to their next big budget blockbuster: Ant-Man. The only promotional material we've seen from the movie are some cool looking images, a funny poster and a decent, if overly serious, teaser. A new trailer has popped up to help put the movie on the map, and hey! It actually does a good job of setting the movie up as, maybe, just maybe, something special. Check it out below!

Let me get this out of the way first; after watching the first eight episodes of Daredevil and being riveting by Vincent D'Onofrio's performance as Wilson Fisk, not to mention enjoying all of James Spaders menacing dialogue in the Age of Ultron ads, Corey Stoll's baddie Darren Cross feels a bit lacking in trailer form. I'm sure he'll have more meat on his bones in the movie itself, and his Yellowjacket outfit is super awesome (love the distinct yellow coloring), but really, he just comes across as more than a bit ham-fisted here.

Otherwise though, damn, that's how you get the average moviegoer interested in an Ant-Man movie! They've actually answered one of my primary concerns about this movies marketing, as I wondered how they'd portray Scott's close connection to his ant comrades (The answer: make them adorable), and they also show off his shrinking powers in large capacity, with his moment of running on an adversaries gun being a nice tip of the hat to that test footage from long ago. Plus, there's a couple of nice gags in here, especially that last model train bit that shows just how many visual possibilites the world of Ant-Man has to offer.

Yep. I'm pumped. Let's go.