With Batman v. Superman coming out next year, it's hard to remember sometimes that, hey. there's another DC Comics film headed your way as well! That other feature is the Suicide Squad, which centers on a group of various supervillains, including Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), who do government issued missions. One member of the films cast is The Joker, played by Jared Leto, and you can see the first photo of him (which David Ayer, director of the movie, tweeted out tonight) below!
Hey look! It's Nicholas Haults character from Mad Max: Fury Road!
I hate this design. I absolutely hate it. I know, I know, that sounds like I'm living up to my namesake and that I'm just acting like some drooling Marvel fanboy. Here's the deal; I've been hopeful about this movie in the past. And one aggravating costume does not a bad movie make, there's still plenty of hope for this feature. But my God ,what an aggravating costume. Why are they trying to do a "realistic" Joker? A character whose already pretty damn realistic (he doesn't have stylized superpowers, he's just an insane dude in clown makeup) is now being brought down-to-Earth even more in a manner that I find really appallling to be perfectly honest.
Oh look! He's got natural white skin! It's not makeup! And look! He's got a tattoo of a court jester! And another tattoo that says HAHAHAHAHA!!! It's an in-joke, get it??? But for some reason, what really gets me is that he's wearing purple medical gloves now, because, I guess normal gloves were just too damn "out there"? There's nothing wrong with a new approach to a beloved character, but this just seems to line-up with DC's irritating practice of robbing these beloved comic book characters of the kind of interesting design elements that made them so memorable and replace them with all this "realism" claptrap that just stands out as aggravating to the eye on a visual level.
Oh God, I dread to hear what Jared Leto's Joker voice is like.