Thursday, April 23, 2015

Johnny Depp Gets Dramatic And Intimidating In Black Mass Trailer

Let's not kid ourselves here; Johnny Depp has had a helluva few years, with duds like Transcendence and Mortdecai tarnishing his reputation. But director Scott Cooper (responsible for two dramas I consider quite underrated, Crazy Heart and Out of The Furnace) is handling his newest film, Black Mass, where Depp plays Whitey Bulger. It's a unique role, one that goes for a much more dramatic approach than Depps past films. Give the first trailer for the film, which comes courtesy of Rope of Silicon, a watch, and then catch my thoughts on the footage beneath that.

Now there's the Johnny Depp I know and love!

It really hadn't occurred to me, for some reason that most of Depp's work in the past few years had been so overtly comedic until I saw this trailer. But once the trailers primary monologue kicked in, Tonto melted away from my memory. Here was just Whitey Bulger being intimidating as hell, even giving me some chills through his presence. Add in an impressive ensemble cast (Joel Edgerton! Benedict Cumberbatch! Adam Scott!) and the track record of Scott Cooper, and I eagerly await to see Black Mass in full this fall.