Monday, April 20, 2015

Jurassic World Unleashes New Trailer Chock Full Of Dino Mayhem

Who wants to watch Star-Lord and some raptors take on vicious dinos? You do? Well then, check out the new trailer for Jurassic World below!

I've got mixed feelings about this trailer, to be perfectly honest. I'm a bit worried that Pratt isn't getting to use the sort of charm that made past roles of his like Andy Dwyer, Emmett and Peter Quill so damn lovable. On the flip side, the dinos look fun, especially the raptors and pterodactyls. But those prehistoric critters are also at the center of my primary concern with this film: things might be getting a bit stylzed within this film. It's the opposite problem Batman v. Supermans first trailer had, with this Jurassic World trailer striking me as kind of going off the rails with its dinos causing carnage. It doesn't really fit the world of Jurassic Park, which had a lot of its wonder stem from its heightened elements keeping one foot inreality.

We'll see come June 12.