Monday, April 20, 2015

Pan Will Fly Off To Neverland In October

Looking over the 2015 release schedule, I was surprised to see Warner Bros. had nothing planned for October 2015. Considering they release more movies in any given year than any other studio, it was surprising they didn't have anything up their sleeves for October. That's changed today, as their reinvention of Peter Pan will arrive now on October 9, 2015.

I actually wondered what was up with movie over the weekend when plans for a new trailer to come out on Friday didn't "pan" out (I'm so so sorry). Now the movies got a new date that allows it to not face off against Minions, the newest extension of the Despicable Me films, as well as give other non-sequel tentpoles it was facing in its original July date (namely Pixels and Ant-Man) more room in the marketplace to breathe. We'll see if the new date leads the feature to box office prosperity come October. In the meantime, check out the trailer for the movie, which will likely be the only piece of advertising we get from the fantasy adventure until later in the summer.