Friday, April 17, 2015

The Official Batman v. Superman Trailer Is Here To Ask...Do You Bleed?

The trailer for Batman v. Superman leaked last night, and for some reason, major publications like The AV Club and Variety decided to run this bootleg version of the trailer instead of waiting for Warner Bros. to release something official. The studio has done just that now, with a teaser trailer (emphasis on teaser) for the 2016 film that you can watch below.

Well, it's dark. Looks like the somber tone of Man of Steel is here to stay. It also looks like this adventure is gonna be heavily focused on Batman, at least in the marketing. We don't get much of anything really in this trailer; it's primarily the footage at Comic-Con with Batman and Superman staring at each other in the night, with only flashes of Superman doing Superman-y things and a poorly created CGI statue being the primary things that separate it from that Comic-Con footage.

The Batman voice is kind of ridiculous, but I'll probably get used to it by the time of its release. Honestly, there's so little do definitively go off of here that what really struck me was the timing of this trailer. Being released just days after the joyous Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer just reminded me how unenjoyable the broody atmosphere of Man of Steel was, while the Ant-Man trailer released earlier in the week just demonstrates how much fun superhero movies can be. Not every single tale with men and women (oh hey, speaking of which, where's Wonder Woman in this trailer?) in capes needs to be light-hearted, but when you get a trailer as dull as the one for Batman v. Superman, one has to wonder if a more jovial approach may be better.