Welcome to Land of The Nerds, where I, Lisa Laman, use my love of cinema to explore, review and talk about every genre of film imaginable!
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
From The Interwebs: The Ducktales Theme Song Reeneacted By Real Ducks Is Ducking Adorable
More adorable duck shenanigans
I've been seeing this video all over the internet today, and as a massive fan of Ducktales (and most of the other Disney Afternoon cartoons for that matter), I loved it. But I told myself I wouldn't post it on this blog, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I'd go against the flow, I wouldn't join the in-crowd. However, more than a couple rewatches later, I can't help it. Here it is folks, the Ducktales theme song, this time reenacted with real ducks.
Good grief, isn't this all kinds of adorable? Don't act like this didn't just brighten your entire day. I shall now reiterate a common request in the YouTube comments section for this video; do the Darkwing Duck theme song next!!