Monday, September 29, 2014

One of 2014's Worst Movies, God's Not Dead, Condensed To Seven Minutes (From The Interwebs)

There's few pieces of cinema this year, or really, ever, as vile and putrid as God's Not Dead. It played more like a parody of poorly done faith-based features rather than an actual attempt at creating cinema. As s Christian myself, the films relentless horrific treatment towards those of any other faith than Christianity was truly horrendous to witness. A new video has come up condensing the poor excuse for a film to just seven minutes, and you can give it a watch below.

The video gets the mean-spiritidness of the film perfectly, but I really love how they tackle the ending scene, in which the Atheist professor is hit by an automobile. It's not only terribly executed in the film, it's also one of the more mindbogglingly idiotic plot turns I've seen in a film in ages and the video manages to wring humor out of such rampant idiocy. Ugh, what an awful, awful film.