Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A Tetris Movie Is Actually Happening And I Have An Idea For The Films Plot

Video games haven't exactly had the bets success being translated into film, but over the next few years, a resurgence of video game features will try to get more high-quality features in that particular genre created. The likes of Assassins Creed, Angry Birds and World of Warcraft will be brought to the big screen, and now Tetris can be added to the slate of upcoming films based on video games.

Tetris doesn't exactly lend itself to a conventional cinematic narrative thanks to it lacking small things like characters or plot, but I have an idea on what you could for a story that fits right into the sci-fi/action angle the producers of this movie are aiming for.

It's the year 2115. Aliens have ravaged thousands of planets, including Earth. But a new weapon has changed the course of the war: a ship/bomb hybrid called Tetris. These mechanisms have incredible self-destruction powers, as well as flying speeds like the world has never seen. When a whole bunch of these ships are arranged in a careful order and simultaneously self-destructed, they can destroy in an entire alien fleet.

Our hero, Quindell Questelton (Chris Pratt) has always dreamed of being a legendary pilot like his Mother, and when he's put under the command of General Pattleson (Jessica Chastain), he feels like he finally has a chance to make difference. But he, General Pattleson and a select few other pilots soon find themselves trapped behind enemy lines, with only handheld weapons and a single Tetris ship by their side. Stranded without backup, they only have one choice....face the enemy head-on, or die trying.

No need to thank me Hollywood, just send me the check. Oh, and guarantee me that Pratt and Chastain will be in it.