Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Liam Neeson Returns for More Taking In First Trailer For Taken 3

Liam Neeson has certainly been busy with a bunch of action flicks recently. While they're not the only films he acts in (he was one of the best best parts of The LEGO Movie, and he stars in the next Martin Scorsese Movie) he's been primarily known for doing films where he beats up bad guys while sayings things in that intimidating voice of his. These kinds of movies started due to the popularity of Taken, which is getting second sequel called (no joking here) Tak3n. The first trailer for it has just arrived and you can watch it below.

This really just looks like more of the same, and considering that I feel Taken 2 was one of the worst movies of 2012, that's not a very good thing. Forest Whitaker is a nice addition to the cast I suppose, but damn, how about that spoiler with Famke Janssen? Man, she really doesn't get to do anything in these movies does she?  Honestly, there's not too much to talk about here, except for the fact that a third Taken movie exists and the phone conversation at the end reverses the famous phone talk from the first and.....yeah. That's it.

You can see Tak3n (I don't know whether I should love or hate that ridiculous title) in theaters everywhere January 9.