Frozen has become such a cultural phenomenon in only ten months time, with $1.1 billion generated at the worldwide box office alone, plus untold amounts of cash in merchandising and home video. So in an event that shocks nobody, Frozen is going to have its own attraction at Disney World starting in early 2016.
The ride will take the place of the Maelstrom in Epcot, finding a nicely chilly home for the newest part of the mega-franchise. I'm sure the ride will make huge amounts of money for the mouse house, who is going to great lengths to making sure Frozen keeps making money for them in a wide variety of ways.
If they're looking for other recent Disney films to bring to their theme parks, may I suggest, a Wreck-It Ralph ride? Or how about, dare I even say it, the epic 4D John Carter rollercoaster that I've been dreaming about for years??