Thursday, September 11, 2014

Here It Is! The Newest Version of The Batmobile, Zack Snyder Style!

March 2016 isn't too far, in fact, there's only 18 months until it arrives, so by definition, there isn't too much time until Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice arrives (it comes out March 25, 2016 dontcha know). The epic Zack Snyder film has Superman interacting with numerous people from DC Comics, most notably Batman. I'm sure everyone is completely unaware of the fact that Ben Affleck is playing the Caped Crusader, but now we have the first official images of the vehicle Afflecks Batman will drive in the feature.

Well now. I like that. I like it a lot actually. Takes a few cues from Christopher Nolans Tumbler, but I also see influences of Burtons Batmobile in there too. I have too many qualms to count with Snyder and his films (especially Sucker Punch, one of the worst films ever made by the human race) but he does have some memorable visuals in his movies, and this Batmobile certainly is memorable, as well as AWESOME.

But will it have speakers to play this song I wonder?