Saturday, September 6, 2014

New Horrible Bosses 2 Trailer Is Surprisingly Funny And Star-Studded

I haven't seen the first Horrible Bosses (I'm saving it for when this sequel is closer to release) but I've heard nothing but good things about it. I'm glad to hear that actually considering I like all three of the guys in the lead roles. Now the sequel is only two-and-a-half months away, and if the trailers any indication, it should be an entertaining ride. Check it out below as well as my thoughts on it!

I'm glad they're not going The Hangover 2 route with this and just doing the exact same plot again. Secondly, yeah for some new big names being added to this films universe! Christoph Waltz is the last person I'd suspect of being a part of an R-rated comedy, but man oh man, I can't wait to see how he fares here. I'm also glad to see Chris Pine here, since the dudes had a pretty bi-polar career. I love both of the modern Star Trek movies, and Unstoppable is a ton of fun, but Jack Ryan was just abysmal.

Luckily, he looks like he's gonna fit in just fine with these three comedic actors, and I'm glad he's showing some range in his film choices. Between this and Into The Woods, it could be a very prosperous holiday season for Mr. Pine. And as for Bateman, Day and Sudeikis? They look hilarious, especially the bit at the end with the car seat. Horrible Bosses 2 doesn't look perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but it actually looks like a lot of fun. I'll happily be there to see this one when it opens on November 26.