Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Maze Runner Gets A New Trailer Full of Twists And Turns (Get It?)

Lots of YA Novels are being translated to the screen this year, in hopes of jump-starting a new franchise. Mixed results have come from these movies, at least in 2014; Divergent and The Fault In Our Stars made big bucks, but Vampire Academy flopped big time. In terms of quality, I loved Fault, didn't care for Divergent, and didn't even bother with Vampire Academy, but just like superhero movies, it's each movies unique plot and not the exact genre these films belong to that lure audiences into the theater.

The first trailer for The Maze Runner, the latest YA Novel brought to the big screen, didn't exactly have a compelling first trailer, but maybe this new one could show off more of an interesting plot and get me hooked on the characters. That new trailer is just below. Give it a watch before I divulge my thoughts on it. I'd embed it in this article, but it's only available on Yahoo Movies right now, and their media player isn't just impossible to embed in a blog like this, it's just truly awful and horrific on its own merits.


First off, I've never read the book, so I'm completely unfamiliar with this world. Anywho, I find it interesting that this is pretty much the same trailer as the first one except for some extra pieces of information here and there (the robo-Spiders are called Grievers for instance) Then the montage at the end kicks in and a bunch of new footage pops up. I guess there's some cool action stuff in here, but none of it looks that interesting, mainly because the protagonist has no personality in these ads thus far. Maybe it'll improve as we get closer to the September 19th release date.