Matthew McConaughey has become one of the best actors working today, Christopher Nolan is a director that never fails to break new ground with his filmmaking and the wonders of space have always fascinated me. Any one of those elements on their own can make for a compelling movie, but combining 'em all together. That's a movie I just gotta see! My anticipation for that particular movie, called Interstellar, just released a new trailer today that's guaranteed to fire up your emotions. Check it out at the films official website, and then type in the code 7201969.
Christopher Nolans last three movies have had really excellent trailers (the one for Inception is probably the most influential movie trailer ever, simply for introducing the BWWWWAAAAMMM noise to the world of marketing) Interstellar continues that tradition, will three of its trailers, especially this newest one, just making me eager beyond belief to see the actual movie come November. Oh, and isn't it always great to see Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain? Damn this things got an impressive cast.