Tuesday, July 1, 2014

From The Interwebs: Film Critic Hulk Takes A Look At Michael Bay

The glasses really make this picture for me, as well his hands
I don't wanna use the phrase "Great minds think alike" here, since I don't wanna imply that my mind is in even the same realm of greatness as the masterful film lover Film Critic Hulk. So lemme just say that Film Critic Hulk (whose Twitter feed is as glorious as the critic himself) also took a look at the filmmaker Michael Bay, and wow, is it great. Check it out immediately.

If you haven't yet, also take a gander at my essay on my long, emotional turmoil-filled experiences with Michael Bay, as well as my Box Office Analysis on why the Transformers franchise has lasted so long. And of course, I have a massive review of Transformers: Age of Extinction for your pleasure. And finally, come back tomorrow for when Franchise Frenzy returns (my bi-weekly column looking at various notable film franchises) to conclude all this Transformers coverage by looking at all four movies and answering the immortal question, where'd it all go wrong for the robots in disguise when it comes to 21st Century filmmaking?