I haven't done anything regarding the medium of television in the month-and-a-half of running this site, but that should change quickly. Starting with The Strain on Sunday, I'll be writing up reviews of several different TV shows as well as putting up Editorials regarding programming that can be found on the Boob Tube.
Also, before we go any further, go here for the list of nominations.
I'm not the biggest TV watcher (too many movies to watch to spend time on Under The Dome!), but this particular Emmy Ceremony boils down to two simple words for me; Breaking. Bad. That excellent show deserves to win every single thing it's up for, and is there really anything to stop it? Well maybe. True Detective (which is one of those shows I tell myself every day I'll start watching and of course don't) might ride it's critical raves to an Emmy win. Game of Thrones also has been nothing short of a phenomenon in the past few months, but I still think those two and the other three shows competing in this category will fall victim to Walter White.
The comedy section this year contains two shows I watch on-and-off; The Big Bang Theory and Modern Family, I've got a major love-hate, mainly hate, relationship with The Big Bang Theory, and really wish it didn't get so much awards attention. I suppose there are worse shows that could get recognized (Dads, anyone?) but there's numerous one that are better. Modern Family is one of those better shows, even if its structure feels more repetitive than engaging sometimes. Props to actors I love like Louie C.K., Ricky Gervais, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Mike Judge for getting some recognition for their shows this year as well.
In the world of animated program, I've learned that this is apparently the first time since 1995 The Simpsons hasn't been up for the award of Best Outstanding Program (Less Than An Hour). Pity, especially since I loved Brick Like Me (their LEGO-centric episode), but at least an awesome Futurama episode made it in. I'm crossing my fingers it can manage a win, but who knows, the power of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in this category might be too much to withstand.
To wrap things up, let's just look at one interesting factoid; In terms of just the Best Drama, Best Comedy and Acting categories, the amount of nominations for Netflix programming was seven. Clearly, that streaming giant is only growing its presence in the world of television, and I honestly wonder if they'll get their first win this year if Orange Is The New Black can turn its great reviews into an Emmy win for Best Comedy. We shall find out in September. Until then, I'll be in my room, trying to watch all of Orange Is The New Black and True Detective before the ceremony!