Thursday, July 3, 2014

DC Double Dose! First Photo Of Superman From New Movie, Plus Adam West Batman Coming To Blu-Ray!!

I believe this is half of the cast for Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice
DC Comics has been in news overdrive this past few weeks, whether its been announcing the official title for the new Batman vs. Superman film, or unofficially announcing whose playing Aquaman. Two big things have dropped onto the internet today, one directly related to the expanding DC Cinematic Universe started by Man of Steel, the other dealing with the first ever home video release of Adam Wests Batman show!

First up, let's take a gander at the first official picture of Superman as he'll appear in Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice (God, I hate that title). The suit still looks great, but good God, can any happy pictures of this new incarnation of Superman be released? I'm not wanting a picture of Henry Cavill romping with the characters from My Little Pony, but perhaps something in the daytime and the occasional smile? Whatever. The best thing I'm gathering from this image is that we may get our first look at Wonder Woman soon. I'm sure she'll be as grouchy as Batman and Superman have been Here's the image of the Man of Steel.
On a more joyful note, the original Adam West Batman show is finally coming to home video! I've only seen clips (and of course, numerous parodies) of the show over the years, so it'll be great to finally watch this monumental program on Blu-Ray. Check out a trailer for the release, but be sure to bring along some Bat-Shark repellent!