Monday, July 13, 2015

Official Suicide Squad Comic-Con Trailer Comes With Jared Leto And Gun Toting Panda

On Saturday, Warner Bros. debuted the first footage from Suicide Squad, and boy did it get a positive reception. People went nuts for it, and now, two days later, Warner Bros. has put the footage online for the world to see. Check it out below!

A primary complaint I have had with Man of Steel is that the dark tone of the film doesn't really suit Superman. The movie tries constantly to create this "hopeful" atmosphere around the character, but it doesn't work within the confines of such a drab atmosphere (not to mention Superman is so damn poorly written in Man of Steel). My feelings on that matter are reinforced by the fact that the darker tone of Suicide Squad looks, frankly, incredible in this Comic-Con footage.

The various characters look uber memorable (though I wish King Shark got to join in on the fun), with Harley Quinn looking particularly exceptional. Margot Robbie was so damn good in The Wolf of Wall Street, holding her own against Leonardo DiCaprio wonderfully, and her acting chops are on prominent display here. Deadshot (played by Will Smith) looks to be the only weak part of the movie, interestingly, with his costume looking clunky even in motion and that line about the group "...being some kind of Suicide Squad" not fitting in at all with the more morose tone of the trailer.

But even with that darkness on display, Suicide Squad already looks to be delivering the sort of absurdity imagery that I can't help but enjoy, namely that shot of a dude in a panda suit shooting up the place. If the sort of craziness, haunting atmosphere and brutality is brought to the big screen next August, then Suicide Squad, which is my most anticipated comic book movie of 2016, could become something really special.

Oh, and Jared Leto...that first image of you was terrible. But I'm not gonna lie....I got a few chills up my spine in your final moments of the trailer. This iteration of the Joker just might surprise us all!