Sunday, July 19, 2015

New Batman v. Superman Trailer Edits Down Comic-Con Footage Awkwardly

Ya think someone at the marketing department at Warner Bros. would have put a bit more effort into the newest trailer for Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, which is out exclusively on IMAX screenings of Ant-Man this weekend. I assume it'll be shown on conventional screenings of upcoming summer blockbusters like Pixels and Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation starting next weekend, but lucky for you, I've used the magic of the official Warner Bros. YouTube channel to bring you the newest trailer of Batman v. Superman and discover why I think more effort should have been put into it.

I pity the poor audience member whose never heard of this movie prior to seeing this trailer and just trying to make sense of it all. I get that, with the movie still eight months away, not all the visuals are done yet and there's not many alternate finished scenes from the movie to choose from, but surely they could have at least structured this trailer in a way that doesn't come across like someone just put the Comic-Con footage in a blender for too long.

Now, of course, one can get the general idea of Supermans power being so great that Batman decides to square off against him, but the barrage of bamboozling imagery and unexplained characters (well-respected actors like Amy Adams, Diane Lane and Laurence Fishburne pass by in the blink of any eye) just add up to an overwhelming venture. There's a way to tease a large number of plot points in a trailer without it feeling like a mess, but this Batman v. Superman trailer takes some solid Comic-Con footage and just turns it into a flat-out mess.