Silver Linings Playbook and especially American Hustle (one of my favorite movies of 2013) have made me a huge fan of director David O. Russell. Any new movie he works on would get my attention, but considering the two great performances he's gotten from Jennifer Lawrence in his two most recent films, well, the fact that his next feature stars that masterful actress has gotten me through the roof in terms of excitement. That film is entitled Joy and has just released a teaser trailer that you can watch below!
I'm actually surprised at how much this teaser resembles the one for American Hustle. Both start with a brief monologue followed by a montage of imagery that's short on dialogue and heavy on music and concluding with a brief line from the protagonist. These tropes aren't unique just to these two trailers, but considering they're from the same director, the similarities do become interesting. Maybe it's the fact that it doesn't seem uber unique as a trailer that the footage seen here didn't blow me down, though it is just a teaser. Maybe a more in-depth trailer with some concrete story details will get me even more psyched for this motion picture.