Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Final Fantastic Four Trailer Brings Doom Into The Equation

This years San Diego Comic-Con is starting to fade into memory, but one last piece of footage from the ceremony has been officially released onto the interwebs. That footage would be the final trailer for Fantastic Four, which has received a lot of scrutiny from the online community. 20th Century Fox has released a new trailer that'll go out on Ant-Man this weekend to the web, so check it out below and see what you're thoughts on it are.
Am I the only one who found the structure of the trailer to be kind of odd? There's a surprisingly large amount of time spent on scenes of Reed as a kid (which have a heavy Amblin vibe and similarly reminded me of the incredibly underrated 2011 film Super 8) and then we just whiz right by the crew going into space and adjusting to their powers. Maybe they're just backtracking from the fact that the idea of the superhero group coming to terms with their powers has been pretty much the only thing about the movie the producers and director Josh Trank talk about in press interviews.  

Some of the action, glimpsed for the first time in promotional materials, looks fun, and I actually wanna give huge kudos to The Thing. I love his new design and he really seems to fit in perfectly into live-action environments (I also like the shot of Reed, Sue and Johnny at a table and The Thing standing behind them and only half of his body fitting into the frame). We still haven't heard him talk, aside from a Denny's commercial, but that's likely just something they're saving for the movie. Interestingly, it looks like my theories about Doctor Doom are coming true, as one of the last shots of the trailer seems to confirm his metallic face is no longer a mask but part of him organically.

It's really hard to get a good sense of how Fantastic Four will be as a movie from these trailers, mainly because there's a real sense of tonal inconsistency from them. I'm interested to see how it comes together as a motion picture, especially since I'm a huge fan of Josh Tranks 2012 feature Chronicle.