There are many TV shows I haven't given a watch despite people telling me how awesome they are. Mad Men is one such program, and with its return imminent, I'm sure me never watching Twin Peaks will make me a monster in the world of pop culture. But one television phenomenon I've never watch is The Walking Dead, a show that I at first didn't watch due to my uneasiness with scary stuff. But maybe, just maybe, I'll catch up with it on Netflix before its newly announced sixth season.
Yep, the show is already gotten sixth season renewal from AMC, and although no news reports for the renewal confirm how many episodes are in the new season, this is not a surprising development. The show has broken viewership records for the channel and remains a big hit with audiences. Plus, the amount of projects like video games, spin-off shows and merchandise this program generates is insane, AMC would have to be a brainless zombie not to renew it. Like I said, maybe all the sixth season buzz will get me to watch it, though I'd certainly tune in in a heartbeat if Michael Rookers character transformer into Yondu and started handling zombies in his own way. Now that would be entertainment!