Thursday, October 9, 2014

The First Trailer For The New George Clooney Movie, Tomorrowland, Is Here!!!

Brad Bird. Maybe you don't know the name right off the top of your head, but boy oh boy, you're likely more than aware of his work. The director of several famous Simpsons episodes in the early 90's soon graduated to directing feature films, starting his career off with the masterpiece The Iron Giant, following that with two ventures at PIXAR, The Incredibles and Ratatouille, and then his first live-action film, Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. And now, his next film, Tomorrowland, has a trailer that you can watch at the link below. An embedded version will be added shortly.

That's pretty much the definition of a teaser trailer, with not too much of the film being shown beyond one sequence that sets up our protagonist, Casey Newton (Britt Robertson), as a delinquent, while hinting that our world has turned into a place of violence and carnage.  It doesn't give too much away (likely due to the majority of the visual effects not being done yet), but it does give off a nice tone of hope instead of some gritty atmosphere.

We also get a glimpse of George Clooneys character, who will likely be the main selling point of this original property (it's sorta based on a Disney theme park ride, but the connection at this point seems loose at this point). There may not be a ton of footage here, but anything with Brad Bird directing has my anticipation. The fact that the first trailer for the feature is actually pretty damn good doesn't hurt either though!

Tomorrowland opens in theaters and IMAX on May 22.