Thursday, October 30, 2014

Anita Sarkeesian Interviewed By Stephen Colbert Helps Highlight Hostile Seixm In Gaming

If there's one thing I love as much as Stephen Colberts witty humor, it's women rights. Frankly, it boggles my mind that in the year 2014 society still has so many egregious examples of sexism against females, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the world of video gaming. Back in August, Anita Sarkeesian made a video pointing out extremely sexist roles for women in video games, which was met with the kind of calm response you could expect from the interwebs; rape, bomb and death threats greeted her.

In fact, just recently, Sarkeesian was set to speak at Utah State University, but stepped down after she received threats to murder her and others that would be attending her speech. This is the outcome of a movement called Gamergate, that says it stands for ethics in game journalism but actually is simply a group that lives to attack women in hideous ways. It horrifies me that all these actions are being done simply over a woman speaking out over apparent sexism in video games, and thankfully, the wonderful Stephen Colbert has helped support Sarkeesians noble cause by having her own his show last night. Check out the interview below!
As I said before, Colbert is an extremely witty fellow, and I really do appreciate him highlighting such an important cause. This video of the interview already has comments filled with terrifying people saying Anita should be raped and killed, but the wisdom of her words and cause speak for themselves. I continue to wish you luck in your noble crusade Anita, and I'm so glad you got the chance last night to promote your cause in this manner!