You were creeped out by him in Gone Girl, you were even more creeped out by him in The Smurfs, and you were dazzled by him in pretty much anything else he's ever done (iincludingGone Girl, while Smurfs I can take or leave).
But now Neil Patrick Harris is hosting the Oscars according to Deadline!
Yep, the versatile host will once again lend his chops as a entertainer to this mega-huge television event. In the past, Harris has hosted the Emmy's and Tony's, but this could be the his biggest opportunity to demonstrate his awesomeness yet. The timing is epsieclaly great for this since Gone Girl, a movie he had a fantastic role in, could be up for Best Picture.
But now Neil Patrick Harris is hosting the Oscars according to Deadline!
Yep, the versatile host will once again lend his chops as a entertainer to this mega-huge television event. In the past, Harris has hosted the Emmy's and Tony's, but this could be the his biggest opportunity to demonstrate his awesomeness yet. The timing is epsieclaly great for this since Gone Girl, a movie he had a fantastic role in, could be up for Best Picture.
Needless to say, I'm excited. Harris is not only a great and funny entertainer, as well as a wonderful actor, he just seems like an all around great guy. One things for certain, this forthcoming Academy Awards ceremony is gonna be legend-wait for it!-dary!!!