Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Avengers: Age Of Ultron Trailer Is Here To Amaze You Beyond Belief

The first poster for The Avengers: Age of Ultron
After it got leaked earlier today, the internet went into a frenzy on the first trailer for The Avengers: Age of Ultron. The massively anticipated sequel to the third highest grossing movie of all-time was supposed to unleash its first trailer next Tuesday on Agents of SHIELD, but the leak has forced Marvel to release it officially, in glorious HD, right now. So ladies and gentleman, here's a nice Wednesday surprise, the first trailer for The Avengers: Age of Ultron!


Ok, so much awesomeness to process all at once. Take a deep breath, NerdInTheBasement, this what you were trained for.

Alright, so first off, James Spader.The amount of chills his performance gave me is immeasurable. The guy has presence from this trailer alone, and in the best way possible, he reminded me of The Joekr from the original Dark Knight trailers, where his vocals alone left you fearing for the titular heroes. Speaking of those heroes, I love how this trailer gives each Avenger time to shine, but also shows how much this new threat will affect the group as a whole.

The ominous music ("I've Got No Strings" from Pinocchio. Most unexpected Disney synergy ever!), the Spader, the HULKBUSTER OHMYGOD THIS IS BEYOND MY WILDEST DREAMS. Yes folks, I think this looks amazing. So much to process and wonder (Where's The Vision? Who is Andy Serkis playing?) until that May date, but this impeccable trailer does a great job getting me even more excited for the next Marvel Cinematic Universe adventure. Didn't even think that was possible, but Marvle does manage to surprise me.