Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Agents of SHIELD (S2E3) Review: Chill Of An Early Fall


This particular episode of Agents of SHIELD made me realize just what this show was reminding me most of thus far in the season; The Empire Strikes Back. Now, the episodes we've seen so far haven't been as good as that Star Wars adventure, and A New Hope is infinitely better than the first season of Agents of SHIELD. However, this second season does share one extremely noticeable aspect with the 1980 Jedi adventure; they both take already developed characters and toss them in darker scenarios, testing them to their limits.
It's been a tough season so far for everyone, with an event like someone shooting several SHIELD teammates qualifying as one of the least worrying  recent events the team has experienced. I was spoiled on this development last week, but luckily, I do have a major spoiler alert on this review, so let me just reiterate; anyone who doesn't want to know major details about one of the shows pivotal characters needs to bail on this review now.

Alrighty, so Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) is working for HYRDA, as we learned in a nice montage that juxtaposes normal life and soft music with this massive revelation. Of course, it doesn't take long to reveal that she's really an undercover agent for SHIELD, with Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) keeping a close eye on her. It's a nice place to put Simmons, as it not only gives us more of an opportunity to see her on her own, but also gives a unique peek into HYDRA and their daily going ons.

Of course, Fitz is still having difficulties adjusting to the brain damage, though at least he has a new pal in the form of Mackenzie. The team incorporates Fitz into the proceedings a bit more in this weeks mission, which deals with trying to deal with Donnie Gill, a man who has icy superpowers. Clever idea bringing Gill back (I actually missed his original appearance in the show), considering how neat his powers are and since his connections with Fitz can lead to some interesting developments. The episode takes advantage of the potential of this situation by giving the show one of its more effective dramatic scenes yet.

Grant Ward, whose been secretly imprisoned in the SHIELD headquarters, has just been around to give information so far in this season, but once Fitz discovers him, it's actually kind of spectacular watching what unfolds. Fitz displays more evil tendencies than we've seen before in the character by reducing the oxygen level in Wards prison cell, hoping to cause the same kind of damage to Ward that he has suffered. There's really not telling where the scenes going, it's just the sort of tensely done piece of work I would have thought impossible for the show to pull of last season. Now? It's just another sign of a continuously improving program.

Most things in this weeks plotline get wrapped up nicely (Donnie Gill is "dead", though at least the show has Skye hint at his survival), but I do like how there's a note of uncertainty hanging over things. Coulson has seen the security footage, he even tells Fitz he saw him in the interrogation room with Ward torturing him. The team may have "won" this week, but there are still losses, terrible losses. But it's those losses that are putting the characters into fascinating territory, the kind that makes for extremely engaging television.