Tuesday, October 14, 2014

New Trailer For Foxcatcher Is Sublime And Terrifying

I get scared real easy, I mean, just a simple bump in the night will have me panicking. Many modern horror films though have become so routine in their scares though that even I have a hard time finding anything to be frightened by. But each trailer for Foxcatcher has stirred up feelings of fear in me, with this ominous tone that's just terrifying. Check out what I mean by watching the theatrical trailer for Foxcatcher below.
I'll be sure to put an embedded version as soon as possible, since I know how awful Yahoos media player is.


See what I mean? Man, there's trailers for horror movies that promise blood, guts and all kinds of other horrifying things, but just that continuous chant of "USA!" at the end mixed with footage of Steve Carells imposing character just gave me chills. Ever since the first teaser leaked last year (For its original Fall 2013 date), I've been looking forward to Foxcatcher, and this new trailer just solidifies my anticipation.

Also; I like how even the R-rated drama managed to sneak in an extended shot of shirtless Channing Tatum. Clever move marketers, clever move.