Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Michael Bubles Take On Santa Baby Is Nothing Short Of Brilliant

Here's another exciting entry in this Holiday themed column, 25 Days Of Christmas Pop Culture! From now until Christmas Eve, I'll be tackling one piece of Christmas pop culture! It could be a book, movie, TV special, song....so long as it's festive for this time of the year, it'll be checked out in this daily column!
When I was talking about Last Christmas yesterday, I mentioned the insane amount of covers the tune has produced. Why that number baffles me (aside from the dubious quality of the song itself) is that none of the covers that I've heard brought anything new or interesting to the table. They were just singing a song for the hell of it. Santa Baby is another Christmas song that;s been endlessly covered, but Michael Buble brings something absolutely amazing to the table when putting his spin on it.
Redoing the song from a male perspective is a clever one, but adding Buble's vocals to the mix makes this an irresistible number. Buble uses his silky smooth voice to evoke a used cars salesman in some of the songs most important lines like "Santa pally" and "I've been an awful good guy". That kind of delivery sharply contrasts with the original song in question and shows the sort of craftsmanship that is never even hinted at in other covers of Santa Baby.

It also helps that the song manages to chance certain words to fit the male gaze of this version without being distracting. Most clever may be the final item in the song being changed from "a ring, I don't mean on the phone" to "Cha-Ching! No, I don't mean as a loan". It helps keep consistency in the lyrics while fitting seamlessly into the proceedings.This could have been nothing more than some kind of gimmick, but Michael Buble's take on Santa Baby manages to find innovation and surprise around every corner.

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