Monday, June 30, 2014

Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader Are Siblings In Crisis In Skeleton Twins Trailer

Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig are two very talented people that share three things in common. 1) They were both on SNL. 2) I absolutely adore both of them. 3) They have had really unique careers in the world of film. Normal SNL vets leave the show, and either become big comedic stars or don't. While exceptions to that rule exist, Wiig and Hader are the most notable (and arguably most talented) example that those exceptions exist.
After Bridesmaids, Wiig could have done endless sequels and poor comedies, but instead stuck to more offbeat projects (The Secret Life of Walter Mitty for instance, an underrated gem). Bill Hader always seemed to be on the cusp of hitting the big time, but instead had to "settle" for being scene stealing turns in several big movies. Both of them get to star in the indie comedy The Skeleton Twins, which got a trailer today. The movie looks charming to no end, and I eagerly await what the two stars conjure up with this adventure. This one opens September 19th. 

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