To all those questions I say: perhaps an argument could be made for all of those ideas. But frankly, the 15 second footage that us unveiled in this new Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser is pretty damn exciting to me and I'm sure many of the readers of this piece, so why the hell shouldn't I share my thoughts on it? Maybe the length of the content traditionally wouldn't justify a piece, but the excitement surrounding this film most definitely does. Anywho, as you might have guessed, some new footage from that upcoming J.J. Abrams film has come online via Instagram and you can watch it below!
Many have pondered if this teaser will lead into a new trailer today or next week, but I don't think so. J.J. Abrams has repeatedly said in the past we won't get a trailer until the Fall and we're not quite there yet. My prediction is we'll see a new trailer at the tail end of September, just in time for it go out on The Martian, and between now and the time that trailer launches, we may get a few more of these Instagram teasers. If they continue to be this well-crafted, I welcome their existence whole-heartedly!